Bad tenants in Dallas

Bad Tenants in Dallas

Bad Tenants in Dallas

Investing in real estate can be one of the best long-term investments you can make. However, you can only hope you have low maintenance tenants, as high maintenance tenants can be the cause of a lot of stress and headaches. When you do end up with bad tenants in Dallas, what can you do about it? Whether you manage the investment yourself, or you have a property manager, let’s look at how you can properly handle dealing with bad tenants.

Be Firm, but Not Confrontational

From the onset, it serves you best to be friendly, but firm. Property managers often serve this purpose, they’re a neutral party whose responsibility that serve your interest. Too, it can be easier for property managers to keep things business in Dallas and not let things get too personal. 

In addition, if you manage your own property, you need to balance friendliness and firmness. Try and create a business relationship with your tenants with a base of transparency and fairness. Further, if there is an issue, you need to address it immediately. There are HOA and community regulations in place, and you need to ensure your tenants follow them. So, when your tenants are being loud, bring it up to them immediately and give warnings if the need dictates. Equally important, if your tenants continue to be uncooperative, then let your policy and procedure take over.

Stick to Policy/Procedures

Aside from the initial screening process, this may be your most important property management measure. You need to have a strict process for handle of any issues that can come up: non-payment, property damage, loud tenants, etc. If your tenants disturb the peace, bring it up to them immediately and give warnings if needed. Too, if they miss payment, start your process for payment options or eviction. When there’s property damage or repairs, make arrangements for the repairs immediately. If your tenants fail to cooperate with getting the repairs done, take your preparatory measures or start the eviction process immediately. In synopsis, the bottom line is to have step-by-step procedures in place and to move swiftly.

Structure Payment Options

Consistent late payments or the first missed payment are big red flags that you need to take seriously. Too, you don’t want to be to make payments for the property yourself. So, you either need to be flexible and ready with payment options--or evict immediately.

 Payment options to consider:
  • Temporarily allow partial payments
  • Forgive one payment and add the balance to future payments
  • Restructure the lease

This is where you can exercise some sympathy and work with the tenant. This would depend on your trust (or lack of trust) with them. So, if you get the early impression they may take advantage of you, don’t even bother with payment options. Just move forward with eviction. Try to keep in mind, if your tenants have made payments on-time for a long time. They may have simply fallen upon hard times. 

Quick Eviction Process

If you work with a property management company, they’ll likely have the eviction process down to a science. However, you would still be wise to verify what their process is. Further, try to make sure you understand the legal process and have an attorney ready that’s well versed in landlord-tenant law. You want to avoid costly landlord-tenant disputes and make sure the lease and procedures are clearly defined. It’s best to prepare in the beginning and have an attorney review your lease agreement and ensure reasons for eviction are clear. Therefore, a well written lease is your absolute greatest defense against bad tenants. Keep in mind, even with an eviction notice, some tenants will ‘squat’ and stay in the property. Unfortunately, this can turn into a costly situation for you. So, you may need to count your losses, lick your wounds, and learn your lesson for the next tenant.

Sell the Property to an Investor

Lastly, if you simply want to be rid of the burden of bad tenants in Dallas, but want to avoid the eviction process, then you can sell your property to a cash buyer like E&M Real Estate instead! We will buy your property for cash, in any condition. If property ownership has become too stressful, and you prefer to just cash out, then let us take the property off your hands. Give us a call today at 214-220-4694 to see how we can help!

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